Understanding the directors' report

The directors’ report is a small company directors report providing the disclosures required by Section 325-332 of the Companies Act 2014, where applicable.

When included, it will output default text for any sections the software can automatically populate. You can make changes to the content either on the data tab or directly on the accounts preview, depending on the area.

The following sections of the directors report are populated via the data tab:

  • Location of accounting records
  • Dividends
  • Political donations
  • Directors and Secretary and their interests

And the remaining sections as follows are written disclosures which can be added directly to the Accounts Preview tab:

  • Principal activities
  • Events after the end of the reporting period
  • Research and Development
  • Branch operations
  • Acquisition and disposal of own shares (relevant for small companies only)
  • Notice issued under certain banking legislation

Shares held by the company disclosure, if relevant, will always output as a note and not as a section of the Directors Report within Micro company FRS 105 accounts to ensure the accounts are fully compliant regardless of whether a directors’ report has been included or not.