Create Pension Income

Enter details of income from an occupational pension. If your client has more than one occupational pension, complete a Create Pension Income page for each one.


Details of any state pension should not be entered here. Enter state pension details in the State pension section of Pensions and Benefits.

  • Enter where indicated details of:
  • Pension provider
  • Contract number
  • PAYE reference
  • Date of commencement
  • Date of cessation (if relevant)
  • Gross pay
  • Tax deducted.

Tick Overseas pension qualifying for 10% reduction, if the pension so qualifies. Overseas deduction from gross pay will appear, showing an amount equal to 10% of Gross pay. Taxable amount will also appear, equal to Gross pay less Overseas deduction from gross pay.

The details entered here will be used to help populate Other Pension Income on Pensions and Benefits.

Select Save and Close from the Save drop-down menu, to save the information you have entered and return to Pensions and Benefits. Select Save and New from the menu to save the information you have entered and to open a fresh Create Pension Income page.

How do I get here? Pensions and Benefits > Create Pension Income