Create UK Interest

Enter on Create UK Interest details of the interest received from your client’s bank and building society accounts. You should use a separate Create UK Interest page for each source.

Enter the following information:

  • Name of bank or building society
  • Account number. Enter an eight-digit number, using leading zeros where necessary.
  • Date account opened.
  • Date account closed, if applicable.
  • Interest type. If tax was deducted at source from the interest, then select Taxed. If the interest was paid gross, then select Untaxed.
  • Date interest was paid and the amount received. An additional Date interest credited to account row will appear when all existing rows are populated. To delete a row, select the cross to the left of the date field.

Select Save and Close from the drop-down Save menu, to save the information you have entered and return to Investment Income. Select Save and New from the menu to save the information you have entered and to open a fresh Create UK Interest page.

The information entered on this page will be used to help populate the Interest Summary and Interest Breakdown sections of Investment Income.

How do I get here? Click Create UK Interest in the UK Interest Breakdown section of Investment Income.