UK Property Details

Property Details

Total number of properties rented out Enter the number of properties to appear in box 1 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages
Property income ceased in the return year and no further property income expected in the following tax year Selecting this check box will generate an entry in box 2 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages
Return includes a property which is jointly let Selecting this check box will generate an entry in box 3 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages
Claim Rent a Room relief Selecting this check box will generate an entry in box 4 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages. See also the following note.

Claim Rent a Room relief - (Tax years up to 2018/19 only)

If you want to claim Rent a Room relief on Rent a Room income over £7,500 and have other property income that you want to claim the property income allowance on, do not enter Rent a Room exempt amount on the Capital Allowances and Adjustments tab when creating or editing a property.

Instead, deduct the Rent a Room relief amount from the Rent a Room income in Total rent and other income from property on the Income and Expenses tab and enter Property income allowance as normal.

Property income allowance must not exceed the lower of the other property income and £1,000.

Cash Basis

From 2017-18, landlords will be allowed to use the cash basis to calculate the profits of their property business where the cash basis receipts of that business don’t exceed £150,000. Landlords can opt to continue to use GAAP for each of their property businesses. Where landlords have both overseas and UK property businesses, they can opt to use GAAP for either or both businesses.

UK Property – Cash basis used to calculate income and expenses The cash basis is now the default option for UK Property businesses (including UK FHL’s) with total income up to £150,000.
UK Property – Traditional accounting used to calculate income and expenses Making this selection will generate entries in box 5.2 on page UKP1 and in box 20.2 on page UKP2 on the UK property pages depending on the type of property records created (UK FHL and/or Other UK Property).
EEA FHL – Cash basis used to calculate income and expenses The cash basis is now the default option for non-UK Property businesses (including EEA FHL’s) with total income up to £150,000.
EEA FHL – Traditional accounting used to calculate income and expenses Making this selection will generate an entry in box 5.2 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages if an EEA FHL property record has been created.

Property Income Allowance

For 2017-18 and later years, the Property allowance is available to be claimed, either to fully relieve property income of up to £1,000 or to allow as a deduction of £1,000 from the receipts of a property business as an alternative to claiming expenses.

If a Property allowance claim is made, then no other expenses, deductions or reliefs (other than a rent a room exempt amount) may be claimed in respect of any property income for the year.

Property income allowance – Furnished Holiday Let UK An amount entered here will populate box 5.1 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages.
Property income allowance – Furnished Holiday Let EEA An amount entered here will populate box 5.1 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages.
Property income allowance – Other UK Property An amount entered here will populate box 20.1 on page UKP2 on the UK property pages

Property Summary

Property Summary is only visible where more than one type of property has been entered in Property Breakdown

Property Summary shows the total adjusted profit, or loss, for each type of property:

  • Furnished Holiday Let – UK
  • Furnished Holiday Let – EEA
  • Other UK Property

Property Breakdown

Shows the type, description and adjusted profit or loss for each property.

To add a new property, click Create Property.

Create Property opens, which has three tabs:


Description The description entered here will appear at property Breakdown, as well as on the report PDF. This would typically be the property address.
Property Type

Identify the property as:

  • Furnished Holiday Let – UK
  • Furnished Holiday Let – EEA
  • Other UK Property
Date letting commenced You can enter the commencement date either by clicking the calendar icon and selecting the correct date or by typing it directly into the field.
Date letting ceased Only enter a cessation date if this falls within the tax year. Entering a date will prevent details of the property appearing in subsequent years.
Apply period of grace election This option only appears if Property type is Furnished Holiday Let – UK or Furnished Holiday Let – EEA. If a property qualified as a Furnished Holiday Let in the previous tax year but not in the current tax year, then you can make an election for a period of grace. Selecting this option will populate box 19 on page UKP1 on the UK property pages.

After entering information, click Save.

Income and Expenses


Enter where indicated:

  • Total rent and other income from property
  • Premiums for the grant of a lease not exceeding 50 years
  • Reverse premiums and inducements.
The latter two rows do not appear if Property Type is Furnished Holiday Let – UK or Furnished Holiday Let – EEA.

Tax taken off property income – this should only be completed in respect of non-resident landlords.


Select an Expense type and enter a Description and Amount for each property expense. Select Expense type from the drop-down menu. The available selections are:

  • Rent, rates, insurance, ground rents, etc.
  • Property repairs and maintenance
  • Non-residential finance costs

  • Legal, management and other professional fees
  • Costs of services provided, including wages
  • Other allowable property expenses

An additional Expenses row will appear when all existing rows are populated. To delete a row, click the cross to the left of the Expense.

Residential Finance Costs

Residential finance costs included above

The amounts entered here will be used to calculate the Deductible loan interest and other financial costs and the amount Eligible as a tax reduction which in turn will populate boxes 44 and 45 on page UKP2 on the UK property pages.

Capital Allowances and Adjustments

Enter the following allowance claims and adjustments, if relevant:

  • Private use adjustment
  • Balancing charges
  • Annual Investment Allowance
  • Zero-emissions goods vehicle allowance
  • Zero-emission car allowance (from 2021-22)
  • Structures and Buildings Allowance (from 2019/20 onwards)

  • Freeport Structures and Buildings Allowance (from 2021-22)
  • Freeport and Investment Zones Structures and Buildings Allowances (2023-24 onwards)
  • Electric charge-point allowance (from 2019/20 onwards)
  • All other capital allowances
  • Costs of replacing domestic items
  • Rent a room exempt amount

Annual Investment Allowance for the 2020/21 tax year. HMRC validations restrict the amount claimed specifically as AIA in the UK property pages to £800,000.

To enable online filing, If AIA is greater than £800,000, then enter £800,000 as AIA, and the remainder as All other capital allowances. Enter a note in additional information to identify the amount at other capital allowances as additional AIA.'

Zero-emissions goods vehicle allowance, Structures and Buildings Allowances, Costs of replacing domestic items and Rent a Room exempt amount do not appear where Property type is Furnished Holiday Let – UK or Furnished Holiday Let – EEA.

The information entered here is used to help calculate the adjusted profit or loss and to populate the capital allowance and adjustment boxes on the UK property return pages (SA105).

For Furnished Holiday Lettings, the figure of Annual Investment Allowance is included in box 12 (Capital allowances) on page UKP1 on the UK property pages.

For tax year 2018/19 only

Structures and Building Allowance

Enter claims for the new Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA) in All other capital allowances. Further details should be entered in Additional Information, including:

- the date the building first came into qualifying use

- the amount of qualifying expenditure incurred for the SBA

- the date the expenditure was incurred

- the amount of SBA claimed in All other capital allowances

Rent a room exempt amount

If you want to claim Rent a Room relief on Rent a Room income over £7,500 and have other property income that you want to claim the property income allowance on, do not enter Rent a Room exempt amount on the Capital Allowances and Adjustments tab when creating or editing a property.

Instead, deduct the Rent a Room relief amount from the Rent a Room income in Total rent and other income from property on the Income and Expenses tab and enter Property income allowance as normal.

Property income allowance must not exceed the lower of the other property income and £1,000.

After entering information, select Save.

To amend the information in respect of a property, click Edit, to the right of the Adjusted profit or loss figure for that property. Edit Property opens, on which you can amend Details, Income and Expenses and Capital Allowances and Adjustments in the same way as in Create Property, above.

After adding or amending information for a property, select Save and Close from the drop-down Save menu at the top of the page. This will save all the information you have entered and return you to Property – Details. Alternatively, select Save and New from the menu to save the information you have entered and to open a fresh Create Property page.